Monday, November 14, 2011


In the season of giving thanks, I must take a moment to count my blessings. I am not thankful for Alzheimer's Disease, but I am thankful for so many kind people who have done so much for Billy and our family.  

When I faced the reality that Billy was getting worse, and he most likely had Alzheimer's, I was terrified about him losing his job.  Having never been financial wizards, I didn't know how we would make it on my salary alone...we had lived on two salaries through our entire marriage.  Did I forget that God promised to take care of us? Not really, but I have a really bad habit of handling things myself.  Billy did, indeed, have to quit working, and we've never gone without a meal, a roof over our heads, or a vehicle.  

Many people pray for us, and I feel those prayers.  In spite of the difficulty of dealing with AD, I am at peace that we will be taken care of.  When this journey begins, it's easy to feel hopeless and wonder how in the world things will work out.  I didn't imagine that Billy would agree to attending an adult daycare, but now, it is as routine as getting dressed every day. I had no clue what an adult daycare looked like as far as activities and caretakers, and I am so thankful for the people who love Billy and work with him every day. 

I am thankful for...

  •  family members and friends who care enough to read about Alzheimer's and become more knowledgeable, so they can communicate with Billy and help me in any way.
  • old friends who can still make Billy feel like he's the very same guy he always was.
  • those who wait patiently for him to get out the words he's trying to speak and then smile as though they have a clue what he said.
  • colleagues who listen to me talk about Billy and do all they can to make this journey easier.  They take up the slack when I can't keep it all together. 
  • people who have given in monetary ways, so I can pay for Billy's daycare or buy the medicine he needs or buy the gasoline to drive so often to take him and pick him each day.
  • for the various people who transport him through MITS in the afternoons and evenings...always with patience and a smile.
  • for Terry, the main caretaker who picks him up at 6:15 in the morning, and patiently deals with him until 5:00 in the evening.  
  • for our daughter, Shelley, who has taken every opportunity to learn more about how to be a caretaker and forged through the pain of seeing her dad go from her protector to someone who needs help fixing his plate. 
  • for our incredible son-in-law, who unselfishly spends time with Billy watching ballgames, follows him to the restroom when we are in restaurants, and always treats him with great respect.
  • for our small group from church who love us and provide a meal for us each week, so that my stress level is lessened.  
  • for my dear friend, Carol, who gives me a credit each month on, so that I have a book to listen to as I spend many hours in the car.
  • for our church and the way it ministers to so many, including me.
  • for our friends who have remained by us no matter how uncomfortable it might be.  It's not easy having a conversation with an Alzheimer's person. Thank you so much!
  • for our loving families who spend time with us, and provide some normalcy for me. 
  • for those who read this blog and raise their awareness and share it with others. 
  • for the privilege of caring for Billy.  God trusts me enough to take care of him, and I know He is with me all the way.
God bless you all as we spend Thanksgiving with our loved ones next week.  

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