Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prayers Answered

So many of you prayed for a better day for Billy today, and as always God answered immediately. I wrote a note for him to carry in his pocket this morning, and in addition to telling him what time I would pick him up, I told him to do whatever Terry told him to do. I never got a call today which was very unusual (and might be because the nurse who fills in doesn't let him talk her into it), and when I arrived, he was not at the door. He came very quickly when he heard the door open, but everyone was sitting in the front room. I asked Terry if he got a happy face or a sad face, and she said more happy than sad. The nurse confirmed that he was much better today.

It may have something to do with the note I wrote, or he may have been better just because. Alzheimer's Disease is so unpredictable from day to day. We currently have more "good" days than "bad," and I am thankful. Thank you for your prayers. Tomorrow may be more difficult because Shelley is taking him to meet Terry in the morning. I have to be at the hospital for a minor procedure at 6:00 a.m. Variances from routine can mess up his days sometimes.


  1. Kathy, I haven't had time to write on my own blog let alone read yours, but tonight, the kids were out so I did some cathing up. As I read your last posts about Billy's issues with daycare, anger, safety etc, my heart dropped and I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I can TOTALLY understand everything you wrote. We were at that point about 7 years ago and it was torture to say the least. Every time I got a call at work, I was nervous that it was his day program coordinator.
    I will be praying for both of you. It's probably the most difficult period we had. I'm so sorry for all you are going through. I hate Alzheimer's fact I bought a bracelet that says just that. Stay strong. BTW - a good cry is always helpful.

  2. Hello, Kathy,
    My husband, J.R., has a small memo book (I got at Walgreen's for $1 or so) that he carries with him to Elderhaven (his adult day care in Austin). Everyday I write in it the Day and Date and the time he gets there and the time I will pick him up. Sometimes he will even write down something that he wants to remember to tell me. He doesn't always remember what he wrote when I ask him about it but I like to think that it gives him some comfort to have his book. Yes, I hear you - changes of routine are not good. I hope the rest of your week was OK.

  3. Such a good idea for a small memo book...I bought him one a few years ago for him to make notes, and that never worked, but if I write notes in it, he'll read it.
    Karen, the bracelet is a great way of advocating! I intend to find one. :)
